Affordable Home Inspections

Affordable Home Inspections

(919) 557-3889

Home Inspections
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Fully Licensed and Insured

About our Inspector, Mike Schulz

Since my early teen age years I have been always a hands on type of person. Instead of someone else fixing or building something for me I took the time to learn and do it myself. No challenge was to large. From building cars & motorcycles to electronics' trouble shooting and furniture building. I have over 30 years experience in construction trades. My primary job was a roofing contractor for many years. I also have hands on experience in electrical, plumbing, framing, hvac, sheet rock, flooring.and trim work . Through the years on new residential work it always troubled me when I would see other sub contractors install components of their trade incorrectly. I would go to them or the builder to express my concerns and they were always grateful. In the early 90's when I was speaking with a builder about concerns of one of the trades he told me I should be a inspector. So in 1994 I began a home Inspection business. I pride myself on being unbiased about my findings for the benefit of my clients.

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